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Bookie Update – RSPH Wants Loot Boxes Classified as Gambling

The Royal Society for Public Health wants the video games industry to remove loot boxes in games made for kids. Also, the organization intends to use technology and set specific criteria that will identify if a person is spending large amounts of money on in-game content with the gambling element. 

A PPH bookie blog learned that the RSPH wants gambling elements from games removed from both mobile and console games. Aside from the gaming industry changes, the organization wants more effort in educating kids about the dangers of gambling. 

They want the program to be part of the curriculum in primary school. It should educate children and their parents. Also, school staff must receive proper training in identifying and helping deal with the effects of gambling among minors. Sportsbook pay per head providers agree that kids must be educated about responsible gambling.   

Loot Boxes Ban

Loot boxes make gambling normal for the little ones, according to a study by sportsbook PPH solutions. It slowly pollutes activities that are traditionally beneficial for their wellbeing. The RSPH released the results of a survey that showed 90 percent of respondents saying loot boxes are standard. They said it is like skins betting. However, 58 percent said they didn’t know that opening boxes is a game of chance. 

Respondents from the age of 11 to 14 were likely to purchase a loot box. 27 percent of respondents from the age group said they bought one within the last week. However, most of them don’t see the harm of buying loot boxes. Also, they don’t see it as gambling, according to a report by sports bets and gambling news sites. 

Fifty-five percent of respondents said that relating sports and gambling is bad for young folks like them. That’s why there are calls to stop gambling companies from sponsoring team jerseys. Also, the RSPH calls for the stop of gambling advertising on TV, social media, and at soccer stadiums. 

The organization wants to stop professional athletes from becoming spokespeople for gambling companies. Gambling is a public health issue that must be taken seriously by everyone. Sportsbook pay per head reviews and news sites agree with this statement. 

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